Your Questions, Answered.

Are the leads qualified?

The leads are MQL (Marketing Qualified Leads) meaning they fit one of our tiers in terms of size, industry and location.

Can’t I just use a LinkedIn bot and ask for direct leads?

At Avalanche, we tried and tested LinkedIn bots for nearly six years, and we can confidently say that this strategy does not work as well as it used to. With our Raise Your Hand approach, we see around a 10x x higher response rate with our multi-pronged approach than direct SQL campaigns on social media.

What happens if there is a no show?

It’s imperative that you notify your campaign manager immediately so we can get this rebooked for you. This is because the longer time between a no show and rescheduling, the more diminishing the effect becomes on building that relationship. 

People are people and sometimes things come up so the interviewee is unable to make it. This is not a negative and just a part of the campaign which can happen. However, the sooner your Campaign Manager is aware of it, the quicker we can rebook.

If in doubt, give your Campaign Manager a shout!

What happens if I want to submit a lead for interview?

No problem! You can submit a lead for the interview and have this edited for $50.

What are Avalanche’s biggest complaints?

Our complaints are primarily due to billing challenges, market challenges and conversion taking a while. These are all normal and we will always do our best to support you.

We put communication at the heart of everything we do, and with the nature of the ups and downs in the market, we will let you know any updates and our plan of action for your campaign. 

In return, we ask for coaches to be quick with letting us know about reschedules so we can sort this our for you. Please be aware that Avalanche cannot turn MQLs into SQLs for you, our focus is to create conversations and content. 

In the rare occasion Avalanche does generate a non-MQL, or makes a mistake, we will rectify this immediately. You will only ever be charged for MQLs.

Why would I not be successful?

When it comes to being unsuccessful with a campaign, the biggest factor we’ve noticed is coaches rushing the turning of MQLs into SQLs. Some will identify needs quickly, based on their DISC profiles, others need nurturing. Coaches often succeed quickly with High Ds however, identifying these are difficult and there are three 3 other personalities you need to be able to convert. Every coach that has ever stuck out their own development of turning interviews into clients has become profitable, and this profit compounds as you click into how to farm this type of lead. As you know, this lead generation tool is very efficient, so if you mess up 15 or 20, take it as learning and there are many more to come. 

Why can’t I just go networking?

You can! Please do, in fact! BOS is not your only strategy and should be used as a background tool to make sure that new conversations are consistently in your calendar and your content is flowing. 

Why should I do this strategy and not PMP or telemarketing?

PMP or telemarketing can be good strategies, we in fact use telemarketing in our own work. PMP or telemarketing for SQLs though is a quick way to hurt the limited data you have in your territory. If it were unlimited, go ahead, but you have to be careful and nurture your audience as well and as carefully as you can.

Our in-depth strategy stands out as it utilises telemarketing alongside other strategies with a nurture-first based approach to build those strong relationships and create successful conversions for you.